Mokamentary Icon Theme

I am an elementary OS fanboy. There. I admit it. Sure, it is always a bit behind most of the other Ubuntu derivatives, as it is built upon the last lts-release, but what it lacks in shiny new features, it makes up for in pure beauty and elegant design. That is, except for the application icons.

Plank icons in elementary

Plank icons in elementary

The application icons are not really bad, but they are not great either. I find them to be unbalanced and nonuniform. This is because the elementary icon theme only contains icons for applications, that are part of elementary OS. Everything else is left to find a suitable icon somewhere else. With varying degrees of ugliness (I am looking at you Tex-Studio!).

Wingpanel icons in elementary

Wingpanel icons in elementary

But here comes Moka to the rescue. Although I am not a fan of the Moka themes “Paper” and “Orchis”, the Moka icon set is stunningly beautiful. At least the application icons are. The other icons (folders, actions, etc) of the elementary set are a much better fit for the overall elementary OS look and feel. 

Plank icons in Moka

Plank icons in Moka

So I did what every obsessive engineer with little to no knowledge about themes and icon set would have done: I mashed them together. It’s not pretty – well the result is, but not the process of getting there – as it involves a lot of symbolic linking. But if you don’t mind that, feel free to give this icon theme a spin.

Wingpanel icons in Moka

Wingpanel icons in Moka


  • The original elementary OS theme
  • The original Moka theme or my fork (you know, for them extra jetbrains icons)(Sam might pull them into the main repository as we speak, so maybe just wait a bit)


chmod +x Install

Use whatever you use to set the icon theme. I am lazy and use elementary tweaks which
is deprecated, so I won’t link to that. But this also works:

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface icon-theme 'Mokamentary'

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